Enter the OGCommunity Creativities contest! Detailed guide

Hi OGs! This is a detailed guide on how to take part in the OGCommunity's Short Videos nomination as part of the OGC Creative Contest.

As a reminder, the OGC Creative Contest winners will share a prize pool of 1 000 000 OGC! Read more about the contest in our article.


How to take part in contest:

  1. Make any creativity OGCommunity. It can be everything: memes, GIFs, stickers etc
  2. Fill the form and provide a link to your work. Each new creativity increases your chances of winning!

Link to the form of OGC Contest:


⌛️ 01.04 we'll finalize the results of the contest

If you need our logo, fonts, etc — use our Media Kit (scrollable)

mediakit (2).pdf

Example - Meme:


Example - Telegram sticker:
